Sarah Stirling | Features
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Once, Britain heaved with outdoor gear factories. What is still made here and is it any good?

As animal welfare charities campaign for down to be banned, I find out the facts behind the fluff

The history of British female climbers is one of rebels and disrupters, trailblazers and game-changers

Can you be both a good climber and a good mother? A gentle look at a sensitive topic

Both want to set an Everest speed record. What drives Kilian Jornet and Ueli Steck to live fast?

The intimate drugs cabinet hidden within all of us, and how to access it…

What’s it really like to be a sponsored hero? Eight climbers bare all from the cutting edge of climbing

The British Isles are brimming with world class climbing and walking destinations

From tipis to tree tents, here are the most fun ways to camp