Sarah Stirling | Adventures
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What is a Celtic Rainforest?

A month biking Patagonia’s remote westernmost road

Secret trails of Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion

Wild swimming in Snowdonia – how, why and where

Cycling the islands of Arctic Norway

Swimming in Snowdonia in winter

Inside the Scottish skiing revival

In brief: why I like jumping into icy lakes

Lift-serviced backcountry in New Zealand

Hiking New Zealand’s newest Great Walk – the Paparoa Track

I lived in Chamonix for four years. Here are my favourite trails

Bikepacking the Balkans – Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania

Exploring Snowdonia’s new 83-mile Slate Trail

Climbing, hiking and cycling all over Sicily

Nine weeks MTB bikepacking around New Zealand

My favourite chair lift in the world?

Surfing and van life in Australia